DOT Physical Exam


Preparing ahead is the best way you can help us provide an efficient exam process. Please notethe following before your DOT exam:

Long form (Form MCSA-5875)

– Fill it out accurately and completely, and sign both pages 1 and The exam is not valid without the driver’s signature on both pages. Please read the page 2 signature portion carefully as it covers the potential for invalidating the exam, and/or civil and criminal penalties for inaccurate, false or missing information on the form.

Be mindful of diet

– Please keep in mind excess sugar, carbohydrates, and caffeine consumed prior to your exam may impact your blood sugar and blood pressure.

Hearing / vision

– Bring hearing aids, glasses or contacts needed to meet standards.

Bring a list of all medications

– If you are taking any medications that may affect your alertness or the ability to drive a commercial vehicle, consult your treating provider BEFORE your DOT exam. A letter from your provider may be necessary to clarify those medications that are current that you are no longer taking. Please note FMSCA has indicated some medications are not recommended when operating a commercial vehicle, so a letter from your provider may not in itself qualify you to operate a commercial vehicle.

If you have any of the following medical conditions, bring the documentation indicated. Lack of required information may impact your clearance result.

For more information, please consult the FMCSA guidelines on its website: